Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Guy That Just Got A DWI

Hello, welcome to the first installment of IACSF, a blog dedicated to real life, and not the bullshit I'm ok, you're ok answers that the slightly more famous, published, chicken soup "books" support.

That being said, this evening's blog is written to a specific group of each blog writting here will be.

I am Chicken Soup For...The Guy That Just Got A DWI.

Here's the deal. "Shit" already happened. As with everthing else in real life (which you're about to get very well acquainted with), you have an option of how to react. Let us not be focused on did you blow or not. That wasn't the crime. The charge here is for hopping behind the wheel with booze (most likely excessive amounts) in your system.

This group envelopes most of the people I know and love, myself included.

So you could be bummed about it. You could sit around and be a little HOO HAY. Or you could just deal with it. You made a mistake. A big one you didn't die, and seemingly (since you're reading this blog, and probably not from a jail computer) no one else did either. Say your prayers of thanksgiving, burn your incense, sacrifice a lamb, or do whatever you do when something good happens that you don't deserve.

Now, move on. Get your "shit" together, and if you were fun before, CONTINUE being fun. If  you weren't fun, you probably aren't reading this, because I tend to not know fun people. Here's your second (or tenth) lease on life. Keep living. Go out and have fun, just don't be stupid. Don't drink and drive again. ESPECIALLY if you haven't even gotten everything taken care of. I don't think the judge in your first trial would really like to hear that you got another DWI before even taking care of the first one.

Get a cab, or sleep in the car. Find somewhere to stay. Figure it out. You're a way cooler/smarter person if you sleep in the car, than if you wake up in jail. Trust me. I have done  both. Waking up in the car because I knew better than to drive beats the hell out of waking up in orange Jelliez and a jumpsuit with no underwear on, and like 22 other idiots in the cell.

There ya go.