I Am Chicken Soup For...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Hate Reading Entries Like These

**read the title first. oh yeah, and im not gonna use capitals or much punctuation because my fingers are tired, and it is the internet. who cares?**

so, i was bored tonight, seeing as how its 5:15 am and my dad and i are still sitting here on our laptops...made me decide read danny p's blog. which is great. check it out at http://thisisawkwardsorry.blogspot.com/. after that, i played the "blog game." (blog game is the blog version of the myspace game, ie: clicking on people who commented, then their comments, etc. it's fun.) the blog game lead me to ian's blog http://neverdidit.blogspot.com/, which i read, and enjoyed. so much in fact, that i will post it in the entirety below.

Alright, so I made my new year's resolution. Which is...to not have sex with anyone again until i am in a relationship with said person. If this lasts longer than the next time I'm drunk I think it might actually work out.

I started to feel like a slut to be honest, which is hard for a man to actually admit to himself.

And I'm over party girls. I just want to meet a nice girl who knows her shit and isn't fucking off the wall crazy.

I'm not gonna find that if I keep getting drunk and having random in-n-outs naw what I sayin?

So, if you, are a nice girl, and aren't crazy or full of yourself, and you like real men not girls dressed in boys clothes.

Hit me up so I can stick to my resolution.


after reading it, and probably very much to do with the fact that it is 5 am, i started thinking. i then remembered how long it had been since i blogged. i then remembered how little it mattered. i began to have visions of the 0 comments that this blog would get, and the four readers it might have. wow. i got off track.

back to ian's blog. i think it is awesome.

the first half, sounds great. not so much the new years resolution part, but the part after that. the "not have sex with anyone again until i am in a relationship with said person" part. man. i cant remember the last time i did that. oh wait, it is because i never really did. i've never had sex inside of a relationship. there were the facades of relationships...the collections of literal shit and issues that were called relationships...etc. etc. (I REALIZE THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAULT, BUT I WILL ACCEPT NO BLAME FOR IT. IT MAKES THE POST MORE FUN TO READ)

that is a great idea. moving forward.

ok, actually moving past the entire rest of the post. i love the babes. let me put it like that...however, the majority of pretty girls are batshit crazy. no dancing around it. some of the most beautiful girls i have met have the lowest self-esteem, the least amounts of trust, the biggest amount of issue, etc. anyone have a good explaination for this? i've always been curious. OH YEAH, and before the girls start bitching, (like they actually made it this far. ha. RIGHT.) i'm sure that you may feel the same way about dudes. and i'm not going to disagree with you. i havent dated or slept with enough dudes to know. (total count at time of posting: 0. dammit.)

anyways i just think it is funny how fucked up the mental states of what i would see as some of the most badass people tend to be. i really guess that is all. sorry if you made it this far. it was fun for me though.


read that with iambic pentameter and it sounds really neat.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Overheard at houston international airport aka "george bush
international airport"

This is a conversation between a young, fairly attractive white girl,
her sk8er boi brother or boyfriend (I can't tell based on their body
language), and an american soldier travelling home from iraq. It takes
place at the smoker's bench 25 feet from the entrance to the terminal.
(Ahhh city ordinances.)

Girl: can I trade you for a kool?
Soldier: yeah girl, no problem
Girl: thanks..my mom won't buy me menthols
Soldier: ha
Girl: I don't see why they're any worse
Me: that menthols shit will kill you
Soldier: lolz

A few minutes pass, sk8er boi walks up

Sk8er boi: what's up man
Soldier: just trying to get home.
Sk8er: where have you been?
Soldier: iraq, kuwait, germany, new jersey (more I didn't hear)
Girl: wow
Sk8er: iraq? Did you see any action?
Soldier: yeah. Everyone over there sees action
Sk8er: was it bad
Soldier: chuckles.
Me: take it easy.
Soldier: you too man. Have a good one

I just thought the exchange was funny. Maybe you had to be there. Sk8er
boi was complete with shorts, skate shoes, crooked sk8 company hat...and
all the lack of social skills that only a 16 year old boi can have.

So, to all the soldiers travelling home for the holidays from this
bullshit war...hats off to you. God bless you all, be safe, and "eff"
george w. and his evil profiteering sidekick DICK cheney.

From DALLAS compliments of keekLX

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A short one

This blog will be fairly short cause I'm on the kick and don't feel like
getting on the computer to do it.

Moving on...some dudes live their entire lives wondering what could have
been...with a relationship...a job...whatever. I've never been that guy,
and I never will be. I'm not gonna say that I am the most motivated dude
ever or the most go getter type or whatever, but I will never wonder how
something would have been simply because I couldn't sack up and try it.

That being said, fuck situations that force you to wonder that. You
know, the kind where you do what you can, and they still don't
materialize. That shit sucks.

This blog was strictly for dudes. Live your life. If something seems
interest, or worth a shot, the way I see it, your only option is to try.
Sometimes you end up fucking yourself in the end. At least you know you
tried. You carpe'd the damn diem.

special thanks to the late great genius of a man that is elliot smith
for the backround music whilst typing this. Oh and the one dashboard
song that happened to play and just be so damn appropriate.

sweet dreams.
From DALLAS compliments of keek3

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Guy That Just Got A DWI

Hello, welcome to the first installment of IACSF, a blog dedicated to real life, and not the bullshit I'm ok, you're ok answers that the slightly more famous, published, chicken soup "books" support.

That being said, this evening's blog is written to a specific group of people...as each blog writting here will be.

I am Chicken Soup For...The Guy That Just Got A DWI.

Here's the deal. "Shit" already happened. As with everthing else in real life (which you're about to get very well acquainted with), you have an option of how to react. Let us not be focused on did you blow or not. That wasn't the crime. The charge here is for hopping behind the wheel with booze (most likely excessive amounts) in your system.

This group envelopes most of the people I know and love, myself included.

So you could be bummed about it. You could sit around and be a little HOO HAY. Or you could just deal with it. You made a mistake. A big one you didn't die, and seemingly (since you're reading this blog, and probably not from a jail computer) no one else did either. Say your prayers of thanksgiving, burn your incense, sacrifice a lamb, or do whatever you do when something good happens that you don't deserve.

Now, move on. Get your "shit" together, and if you were fun before, CONTINUE being fun. If  you weren't fun, you probably aren't reading this, because I tend to not know fun people. Here's your second (or tenth) lease on life. Keep living. Go out and have fun, just don't be stupid. Don't drink and drive again. ESPECIALLY if you haven't even gotten everything taken care of. I don't think the judge in your first trial would really like to hear that you got another DWI before even taking care of the first one.

Get a cab, or sleep in the car. Find somewhere to stay. Figure it out. You're a way cooler/smarter person if you sleep in the car, than if you wake up in jail. Trust me. I have done  both. Waking up in the car because I knew better than to drive beats the hell out of waking up in orange Jelliez and a jumpsuit with no underwear on, and like 22 other idiots in the cell.

There ya go.